
My program of study is influenced by my own bicultural identity and as such is informed by an overarching social justice lens.

I am the Founder of the Vividhatà Research Group. Vividhatà (વિવિધતા) is the Guajarati word for diversity. Gujarat is the city in Indian where my paternal grand parents were born and the common language spoken there is Guajarati. My family has a fascinating immigration history, which has fielded my interest in diversity and social justice research, and has inspired the name for our research lab. Our lab is made up of a group of dynamic researchers who all share a passion for issues of diversity. We are committed to conducting socially and culturally responsive research, which prioritizes community engagement.

My research presently includes two major foci. First, I am studying migration experiences across different groups (i.e., newcomer youth, women, LGBTQ peoples). Second, I am researching teaching and learning, investigating cultural and social justice responsiveness among graduate students and supervisors. I believe this scholarship has important implications for psychology training, practice, research, and policy.


Current Group Members

The University of British Columbia, School and Applied Child Psychology

Yasmin Elliot, BA

Yasmin Elliot, BA

Masters Supervision
Arts-Based Research with Newcomer Youth
Laurie He, BSc

Laurie He, BSc

Masters Supervision
Child Language Brokering
Aisha Ghani, MA

Aisha Ghani, MA

Doctoral Supervision
Child-Parent Relationship in South Asian Youth
Linnea F. Kalchos, MA

Linnea F. Kalchos, MA

Doctoral Supervision
Arts-Based Research with Newcomer Young Women
Julia Toews, MA

Julia Toews, MA

Doctoral Supervision
Gender-Based Violence and 2SLGBTQIA+ newcomers
Veronica Shim, MA

Veronica Shim, MA

Doctoral Supervision
Arts-Based Research with Newcomer Youth
Harris Wong, MA

Harris Wong, MA

Doctoral Supervision
Critical Consciousness in Asian Canadian Youth

Current Projects

Funded by a SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2024-2027)

Funded by a Gender-Based Violence Prevention Grants (2023-2026)

Funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant (2021-2024)

Funded by an IRCC Service Delivery and Innovation Grant (2021-2024)

Funded by an IRCC Service Delivery and Innovation Grant (2021-2024)


Decolonizing models of cultural and social justice responsiveness for optimal counselling with newcomers in Canada

Kassan, A. (in press). In L. Robinson (Ed.), Cross Cultural Counselling: International Perspectives. Palgrave/Macmillan.

Fostering cultural safety in supervision as a bicultural woman who has been racialized in the academy

Kassan, A. (in press). In S. Dixon C. & DePass (Eds.), Racialized women navigating academic spaces: Stronger together. Lexington Books.

Exploring child language brokering in French-speaking parent-child dyads in Canada

Amer, S., Kassan, A., Katoue, W. (in press). In A. Kassan, K. Palova, & H. Silverside (Eds.), Beyond translation: Exploring child language brokering in Alberta’s culturally diverse landscape. University of Calgary.

Exploring child language brokering in Arabic-speaking parent-child dyads in Canada

Katoue, W., Amer, S., & Kassan, A. (in press). In A. Kassan, K. Palova, & H. Silverside (Eds.), Beyond translation: Exploring child language brokering in Alberta’s culturally diverse landscape. University of Calgary.

Attending to emotional wellness in newcomer families: A workshop series for English-language educators and settlement practitioners

Zak, M., Qureshi, M., Mukred, R. & Kassan, A. (in press). In A. Kassan, K. Palova, & H. Silverside (Eds), Beyond translation: Exploring child language brokering in Alberta’s culturally diverse landscape. University of Calgary.

Optimizing educational models and services for K-12 newcomer youths and their families: A qualitative investigation within a localized context

Zaidi, R., Vergara, O., & Kassan, A. (in press). In G. Li (Ed.),  The Routledge international handbook on equity and inclusion in education. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.

From hope to reality: A case study of a Syrian refugee family resettling in Canada

Zaidi, R., Moura, G., & Kassan, A. (2024). Perspectivas Em Diálogo: Revista De Eucação E Sociedade, 11(26), 4-25.

Read more

An arts-based engagement ethnography centred on the school integration of newcomer youth

Kassan, A., & Ford, L. (2023). Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 602-615.

Read more


The University of British Columbia

School and Applied Child Psychology

Master’s Supervision

• Linnea Kalchos, MA – School-Based Supports for Newcomer Youth
• Julia Toews, BA – Conceptualization of Sexual Orientation among Newcomer Youth
• Harris Wong, MA – Anti-Asian Hate during Covid-19

University of Calgary

Educational Studies in Counselling Psychology

Post-Doctoral Supervision

• Jessica Saunders, PhD – Weight Bias and Social Justice
• Alberto Souza, PhD – HIV among Newcomer Gay Men

Doctoral Supervision

• Tiffany Beks, PhD – Intuitional Betrayal among Canadian Veterans
• Daniele Doucet, PhD – Pregnancy in Gender Variant Females
• Allisa Gallucci, MSc – A Collective Case Study of School Integration
• Amy R. Green, MA – Embodiment of Newcomer Women in Canada
• Helia Jafari, MA – Resilience in Refugee Youth in Canada
• Julie A. Cohen, MA – Multicultural Cultural Competence in Training
• Megan Suehn, MA – Identity of Multiply-Marginalized Individuals

Master’s Supervision

• Charis Falardeau, BA – Ethical Non-Monogamy
• Rabab Mukred, BA – School Integration Among Newcomer Youth
• Maryam Qureshi, BA – Cultural Competence in Cancer Care
• Danielle Smith, BA – School Integration Among Newcomer Youth
• Daniel Elleker, BSc – LGBTQ Newcomers Claiming Refuge in Canada
• Jasmin Nathoo, BSc – Pre-Service Teachers Working with Newcomer Youth
• Allisa Gallucci, BSc – School Integration Among Newcomer Youth



Association for Women in Psychology
Award for best manuscript – “Falling in love with me means she can never go home”
The immigration experience of a lesbian couple in a binational relationship


International Council of Psychologists
Early career research award