Public Engagements

I have taken on a number of leadership roles, which highlight my commitment to social justice, community involvement and collaborative partnership, as well as counselling training and practice.

I have assumed several service roles where my passion for the discipline of psychology and fervor for student development has been central.

In essence, I have been genuinely committed to completing meaningful serving work and impactful leadership. Given the importance of community engagement and outreach, it is important for me to connect with key educational and psychological stakeholders. To do so, I have co-chaired several local, provincial, and national scholarly events, some of which are highlighted below.



Themes: (1) indigenization and decolonization, (2) intersections of experiences, and (3) dismantling ‘isms’ within systems.

Theme: Optimizing school integration among newcomer families: A summit of French and English boards of education

Theme: Advocating for ourselves, advocating for our communities.

Public Presentations

Invited workshop for the Canadian Council for Professional Psychology Programs (2021)
View Presentation

Invited workshop for the Alberta Health Services’ Community Education Service (2021)
View Presentation


Kassan, A., & Palova, K. (Guest) (2024, October). Beyond Translation: Child Language Brokering
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Webinar for the Portail sure l’immigration Association.
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Webinar for Cognella Press.
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British Columbia Association of School Psychologists Podcast.
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Hearth 2 Heart Podcast
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Podcast paroles des femmes.
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Elevate & Mobilize EDI Research Grants in Education (EMERGE) Projects
Watch Now (passcode: 24d&tHP@)

Podcast for Against the Tides of Racism (2022)
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Podcast for the Canadian Psychological Association (2021)
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Canadian Psychological Association


Canadian Psychological Association
Section on Counselling Psychology